
I will be referring to the horse as “he”, not to exclude the female of the species, simply because I will not use the term “it”. The horse is not an “it” nor is he just another animal. He is extraordinarily beautiful, elegant, graceful, intelligent, and above all a treasure to be loved and admired,. If allowed he will touch your heart and soul. He relies on your for his care, understanding, trust, loyalty, and above all love. When you give these to him, he will return them ten fold.

I have been blessed with many different horses, mine and those belonging to other people. Some have totally allowed me into their lives, one in particular, Tara, while others have held back to different degrees. It doesn’t matter to what level each horse and I share it is still my responsibility to care for them in every way. I try to look into their beautiful eyes and see what they see. I want to know as much history as possible so as to better understand them. They all have a different path that they have followed. Some have always been loved an cared for and some have endured different levels of abuse. So here at SPS Farm we not only care for their physical being but also their metal and emotional state.