From the moment you arrive you will notice all the thought and preparation that was put into the construction of this Morton barn. Fran spent years learning from each barn she visited exactly what she wanted in her own. The barn is specifically designed to be effective, efficient, and easy to use!

The stalls are large and spacious providing ample space for even the largest horse breed. They are nicely bedded with thick rubber mats. Each stall contains a ceiling fan with variable speeds, lights, outlets for electricity, two water buckets, and a jolly ball. There are crossties available in both the aisle and each stall.

Koda playing with comfort ball.

Tack Room
The tack room is designed so that each person can comfortably retrieve their individual gear and is equipped with a dehumidifier and mop sink to ensure tack stays clean and mildew free.

A comfortable lounge is provided for our two legged guests that offers a kitchen and full bathroom including a shower.

Wash Rack
For those days when your horse needs a rinse off or even a full bath, we have a lighted wash rack with hot and cold running water and a heat lamp. The feed room is kept clean and pest free. It provides ample room for your supplements