Fran has cared for many horses of different breeds and personalities through the years. Their long and happy lives attest to the love and expertise her care provides.
Boots (Tennessee Walker), Fran’s first horse, was quite a challenge for a nine-year-old girl. She had a definite habit of rearing anytime she was mounted and young Fran learned very quickly to get right back on when thrown.

Tara, Fran’s beautiful Morgan, was rescued from a sandlot in Florida at one-year-old and little more than a skeleton with a hide when she joined Fran for her new life filled with love and care. Tara unfortunately passed away at the age of 24. Tara was that one special horse whose intuitive bond with Fran was undeniable!

Carl, after witnessing this special bond, wrote this poem and presented it to Fran after Tara’s passing.

Rio’s Magic
Rio’s Magic (Magic) was an Appaloosa who was rescued from cruelty at 6 months and Fran had the pleasure of loving. He was known as the love magnet. He passed away at 36.

Wildfire (Morgan/Appaloosa Cross) was Tara and Magic’s foal. Fran had 33 wonderful years with Wildfire’s strong spirit and her special touch with children both qualities inherited from her mommy Tara.

Music Machine
Music Machine (M&M), a Saddlebred, joined Fran’s daughter Shannon for 2 years showing Saddleseat on the Southeastern Circuit. He was very flashy and a challenge to ride. M&M passed away at 24 years of age.

Agape’s Oboe
Agape’s Oboe (Oboe) was a Saddlebred who was a lovable scaredy cat. He spooked easily but Fran fell in love with him the moment they met. He passed away at 22.

Pinehaven’s Devil
Pinehaven’s Devil (Lil’ Red) was a strong but small Standardbred and Fran’s daughter Shannon’s first horse. Lil’ Red lived to be 34 years old and was the perfect teacher for Shannon!!! He had a way of offering lessons never forgotten.

Hershey came to the farm as a boarder but was the perfect fit for Fran’s family and eventually joined as one of her herd. She was known as the SPS spitfire.

Though Fran’s herd has passed on, each of them to have passed through SPS Farm’s gates have left imprints on the hearts here. Each and every equine that has come into our lives for a reason and has always left something with us when they go. Every member of Fran’s herd touched her soul in their own special way. It is not fair that their lives are so much shorter than ours but our lives are unfathomably better for their wonderful part in them.