S.P.S. Farm owner, Francine has been very active in animal rescue over the years. She and her family rescued horses from Florida Sandlots (Tara & Lil’ Bit) who were little more than skeletons with hides when they first brought them home. It didn’t take long before Fran’s love, knowledge and hard work brought these horses back to a healthy state.

Rio’s Magic was rescued from an abusive situation at six months of age.

Their family also adopted numerous pups over the years from the local pound, Neeka, Sheba, Tonka Waka, and Izzy.

Scooby doo, Achilles, & Hera were abandoned on their doorstep and Dalmatian Lucky was a stray. All of them lucky enough to be brought into their family, and giving them a new lease on life.

Fran also rescued two calves, Orphan Annie and Red. Orphan Annie lost her mother at birth and Red was rejected by his mother at birth. Bottle feeding two calves was quite an experience.

This experience and love for all creatures great and small ensures the best for your horse’s well-being.